Curriculum overview


Curriculum overview

ESB uses the Hungarian National Curriculum for Bilingual schools and but for English we use the Cambridge International curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales. We will also conduct some other extra lessons with Cambridge so that students a broader knowledge and skill set in English than provided by the Hungarian curriculum. All school report cards and assessments are follow the Hungarian State’s requirements.

For grades 1-4, a typical split of subjects will look like this:

Subject Lessons per week Language
Hungarian literature and grammar 7 Hu
Maths 4 Hu
Extra Maths 1 En
English language learning 6 En
Science 3 Hu
Extra science 1 En
Drama 1 En
ICT 1 Hu
Visual Art 2 En
Music 1 En
PE ( Physical education) 3 En
Total 30
Lessons in Hungarian 15
Lessons in English 15

Important notes
1 ESB may change the language of instruction for certain lessons but the 50:50 balance between English and Hungarian will be made.
2 Grade 1 will do library instead on ICT
3 PE has an extra 2 lessons per week in after school hours

The teacher student ratio for most subjects will be at 1:18. Class size can run to 24 students but for any classes over 18, we will add a co teacher to the class. For English language learning, classes will be split into two groups, so that a typical group size would be 12 children.
